Patricelli Lab

University of California, Davis

So Many Belated Congrats!

In the pandemic, I fell far behind in congratulating the many accomplishments of Patricelli Lab members!

Here are a few of the very big belated congrats for graduations:

  • Congratulations to Alicia Bird for defending her dissertation and earning her PhD in the Graduate Group in Ecology in 2021!
  • Congratulations to Mary Clapp for defending her dissertation and earning her PhD in the Graduate Group in Ecology in 2021!
  • Congratulations to Sarah Jennings for defending her dissertation and earning her PhD in the Graduate Group in Ecology in 2021!
  • Congratulations to Ryane Logsdon for defending her dissertation and earning her PhD in the Animal Behavior Graduate Group in 2021!
  • Congratulations to Melanie Talavera Arboniés for earning her Master’s Degree in the Animal Behavior Graduate Group in 2022!

And congrats to the Patricelli Lab members who were honored with major awards to support their research!



Congrats Sarah!

Congrats, Dr. Sarah Jennings!  For an excellent exit seminar and dissertation…AND for winning the 2021 Merton Love Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Ecology and Evolution at UC Davis! The Merton Love Award  is given to the student with the most outstanding PhD dissertation in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Davis each year.  As an awardee, Sarah will present work from her dissertation “The role of chemical information in the breeding biology of Leach’s storm-petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa)” in the final Ecology & Evolution seminar this quarter on June 10th.


Congrats, Alli!


Congrats to Allison Injaian for giving an excellent exit seminar and successfully defending her dissertation!  Alli was also recently awarded the College of Biological Sciences Dean’s Mentorship Award. This award recognizes excellence in research and mentorship for undergraduate students seeking careers in the sciences.  Well deserved!

Congrats Alicia!

Congrats to Alicia Bird for successfully defending her Master’s thesis at San Francisco State University this spring!  Alicia’s MS research examined the salamander microbiomes in various Ensatina eschscholtzii subspecies and sympatric Batrachoseps species with professors Andy Zink and Vance Vredenburg.

Congrats Jessica!

Former lab member Dr. Jessica Yorzinski will be joining the faculty in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University as an assistant professor in fall 2016!  Jessica completed her PhD in the Patricelli Lab in 2012 studying visual attention in during mate choice and predator-prey interactions. Jessica’s innovative and ground-breaking research involved developing an eye-tracker to use on peahens as they assess peacocks during mate choice — you can read more about it in National Geographic, and Slate, and Scientific American, and Live Science, and Futurity and more.  Jessica was a postdoc at Duke University and Purdue University after leaving UC Davis. Congrats, Jessica!

Congrats Anna!

Anna Perry was awarded the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences Dean’s Mentorship Award for Undergraduate Research in spring 2016.  Anna has mentored 42(!) undergraduates during her time in the Patricelli Lab; this award reflects her exceptional skill, patience, and dedication in helping each of these students reach their potential.  Anna also received a Professors for the Future (PFTF) fellowship. The PFTF program is a competitive, year-long fellowship designed to recognize and develop the academic leadership skills of outstanding graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. As a PFTF fellow (2015-2016), Anna developed a workshop series to teach both graduate and postdoctoral mentors strategies for providing effective feedback on undergraduate scientific writing. While working to enhance the professional development of her colleagues, Anna  also received formal training in course design and teaching methods through a seminar on College TeachingCongrats, Anna!

Congratulations Cameron!

Honorary lab member Cameron Jones was awarded the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in spring 2016!  Cameron is a graduate student in the Animal Behavior Graduate Group at UC Davis co-advised by Ann Hedrick and Andy Sih.  Congrats, Cameron!

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